Pay careful attention to the customer’s happiness when haggling.In the bottom half of the screen you can view the customers happiness, and the slider bar used for haggling.You will also be able to see how the item ranks in uniqueness. In the top half of the screen you will be able to view the value of the item (if revealed), how long it will take to sell it, the prestige of the item, and any bonuses that have been unlocked.Click on a customer to open the bargaining screen.The item they wish to sell will be displayed in the bubble above their head. Most customers coming into your shop will be there to sell item.Once you have assisted all of them, you will need to wait for a period of time before new customers come to your shop. At the beginning of the game you will be able to have a maximum of ten customers at one time.Once you have hired a clerk, it’s time to purchase some items to sell in your store.A clerk with high salesmanship will bring in bigger sales, earning you more cash.Your customers won’t lose their patience as fast and they will be easier to bargain with.
Facebook pawn stars game cheats free#
However, at the beginning of the game you will want to select from the free options. If you have enough candy available, you can purchase a clerk with very high scores in each of these areas.Each clerk has a different level of intelligence, friendliness, and salesmanship.When you begin the game you will need to hire a clerk to manage your pawn shop.
Facebook pawn stars game cheats full#
At the bottom right of the screen you can view, and add to your collections, expand your shop, access the daily bonus, view the full catalog of items, and hire new clerks for you store.At the bottom of the screen is your friends toolbar, inventory, remodel button, and the shop.At the top of your screen you will find your current level and experience, your cash balance, candy balance, maximum customers, lot limit, and parts.Candy can be used to increase customer’s happiness, unlock bonuses quicker, and purchase premium items. Pawn Star is free to play, but you can purchase candy using real currency.